Software engineer based in the Los Angeles area.
I have two kids who I enjoy spending time with. I love music, traveling, food, reading, and exploring.
Here are a few relevant links for finding out more about me and my hobbies.
GitHub: defndaines
I don’t code in my free time as much as I used to, but it’s mostly on
display under by GitHub account.
I like to read, and I keep track of books I’ve read here, including
graphic novels and comics. I’ve also been tracking books at
The StoryGraph.
flickr photographs
I keep any pictures I take up at flickr.
I have a handful of playlists, and I listen to a LOT of music.
In case you are looking to get me a gift.
These are links to things I’m not actively engaged with, but may be useful for reference.
LinkedIn profile
I’m not looking for work, but I have kept my résumé "mostly" up to date.
WaniKani profile
Starting in 2017, I’ve been trying to rebuild my Japanese language
skills. I used WaniKani regularly for learning and review and also
participated in the community from time to time.
When I have the energy to read in Japanese, I track it on my profile at bookmeter. profile
When I want to tackle some smaller coding problems or practice a
programming language, I like the problems at exercism. I tried to give
back from time to time as well.
Medium profile
I haven’t been blogging for some time now, but I used to post stuff on
Oatmeal Pancakes Recipe
This is the best oatmeal pancake recipe I’ve found, but swap in whole
milk and whole-fat yogurt.